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Church History: Ancient & Patristic Church: St. Augustine of Hippo


As a towering figure of Western civilization and perhaps the most influential voice in the development of Catholic theology after St. Paul himself, St. Augustine of Hippo has a massive scholarly imprint consisting of myriad secondary studies, including books and essay collections, critical editions and translations of his works, and even entire bibliographies and reference tools devoted to his life and teaching.  As Rold J. Teske says in his article for the New Catholic Encyclopedia, " In philosophy and theology Augustine had no rival in the Western world at least until Thomas Aquinas. His thought and writings literally formed the mind of the Christian West." This part of the guide attempts to bring together several reference tools in English related to the study of St. Augustine.     

Bibliographies & Reference

Augustine Through the Ages: An Encyclopedia  

The product of more than 140 leading scholars throughout the world, this comprehensive encyclopedia contains over 400 articles that cover every aspect of Augustine's life and writings and trace his profound influence on the church and the development of Western thought through the past two millennia.  Major articles examine in detail all of Augustine's nearly 120 extant writings, from his brief tractates to his prodigious theological works.  For many readers, this volume is the only source for commentary on the numerous works by Augustine not available in English. 



A trilingual (German, English, French) reference work essential for Augustine studies.  It is a multi-volume encyclopedia of Augustine including his life and thinking, his works, and people from his personal environment and his contemporary historical context, encompassing 1,200 entries and extensive bibliographies.


Bibliographies for Theology: Augustine  

A noted patristics scholar, the late Fr. William Harmless, SJ, compiled a series of masterful bibliographies that were current up until his death in 2014, and which were published by The Journal of Religion & Society.  Among his compilations includes an extensive, annotated bibliography on St. Augustine, sub-divided into sections on Augustine's work as a bishop, as an exegete, his writings against the Manichaeans, the Donatists, and against the pagans in general (i.e. The City of God). 


Corpus Augustinianum Gissense   

Consists of the known full text works of Augustine of Hippo (354-430) along with letters written to Saint Augustine and references for almost 30,000 secondary sources written about him and his works.


New Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Augustine  

A comprehensive (19 pp.) introduction to the life and thought of St. Augustine in the preeminent Catholic reference work, by Roland J. Teske, Jesuit priest and medieval scholar at Marquette University.  Includes a substantial bibliography and concise overviews of Augustine's views and writings on specific aspects of theology.  


Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Augustine, Saint  

Useful introductory entry by Christian Tornau with a bibliography of texts, editions, translations, and secondary literature on different aspects of Augustine's life and thought.


The Cambridge Companion to Augustine (1st ed.)      

It is hard to overestimate the importance of the work of Augustine of Hippo and its influence, both in his own period and in the subsequent history of Western philosophy. Many of his views, including his theory of the just war, his account of time and eternity, his attempted resolution of the problem of evil, and his approach to the relation of faith and reason, have continued to be influential up to the present. In this volume of specially-commissioned essays, sixteen scholars provide a wide-ranging and stimulating contribution to our understanding of Augustine.  Click on the unlocked icon to read an open-access scan of this volume at Internet Archive.   


The Cambridge Companion to Augustine (2nd ed.)  

It has been over a decade since the first edition of The Cambridge Companion to Augustine was published. In that time, reflection on Augustine's life and labors has continued to bear much fruit: significant new studies into major aspects of his thinking have appeared, as well as studies of his life and times and new translations of his work. This new edition of the Companion, which replaces the earlier volume, has eleven new chapters, revised versions of others, and a comprehensive updated bibliography. It will furnish students and scholars of Augustine with a rich resource on a philosopher whose work continues to inspire discussion and debate.


The Cambridge Companion to Augustine's City of God  

Includes specially-commissioned essays by an international team of scholars that provide new insights into The City of God.  Offering commentary on each of this massive work's 22 books chapters, they sequentially and systematically explore The City of God as a whole.  Collectively, these essays demonstrate the development and coherence of Augustine's argument.  The volume will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of ancient and contemporary theology, philosophy, cultural studies, and political theory.


The Cambridge Companion to Augustine's Confessions    

Serves as an authoritative guide to Augustine's Confessions - a literary classic and one of the most important theological/philosophical works of Late Antiquity.  Bringing together new essays by leading scholars, the volume first examines the composition of the text, including its structure, genre, and intended audience.  Subsequent essays explore a range of themes and concepts, such as God, creation, sin, grace, happiness, and interiority, among others.  The final section of the Companion deals with its historical relevance.  It provides sample essays on the reception history of the Confessions.  These essays demonstrate how each generation reads the Confessions in light of current questions and circumstances, and how the text continues to remain relevant and raise new questions.


A Companion to Augustine  

Presents a fresh collection of scholarship by leading academics with a new approach to contextualizing Augustine and his works within the multi-disciplinary field of Late Antiquity, showing Augustine as both a product of the cultural forces of his times and a cultural force in his own right.  It discusses the life and works of Augustine within their full historical context, rather than privileging the theological context, and presents Augustine’s life, works, and leading ideas in the cultural context of the late Roman world, providing a vibrant and engaging sense of Augustine in action in his own time and place


The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine  

A ground-breaking international and interdisciplinary enterprise on the impact of the thought and work of Augustine of Hippo that maps his influence not just in theology, his traditional area of prominence, but far beyond.  A detailed introduction offers chapter-length discussions and syntheses of the general characteristics of Augustine's reception in various periods.  The Guide then surveys the material transmission and intellectual reception of almost all of Augustine's extant works, documented in the light of recent research.  The largest part of the volumes comprises around 600 entries which describe, analyze, and evaluate Augustine's influence on a broad variety of key figures and themes through the ages, including material that has never been taken into scholarly consideration before.  This three-volume set contains high quality scholarship from over 400 international experts.  Offering precise information, with references to both primary and secondary sources, this solid reference work is unique in the breadth of material covered.  It aims to survey the legacy of Augustine and make it available both to specialists and readers from other fields who may be unfamiliar with the scope of his impact.

Subject Headings

Library of Congress Subject Headings are a great way to search across our local catalog to see what books we have on a particular topic.  You can search directly through the catalog itself, or click on the links below to see our holdings in a particular area.  The first (parent) link will take you to a list of subject headings: given how broad the parent heading is, it is more useful to see a list of narrower headings.

Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430